The Sullivan Gleeson two step

the news of the Kafkaesque ordeal that General Michael Flynn has undergone took a new unexpected step this week, for those who have been paying attention

the preface is noted here, from the crusading attorney, who uncovered the fraudulent campaign that has continued for the last three years,

 / so now the  judge involved, has decided the doj
cannot legitimately dismiss this charge because of insufficient impartiality, this is ironic because this is the same judge who subsequently called out the prosecutors in another fraudulent prosecution of Senator Ted Stevens, the particulars are noted here, back then the results of that prosecution, allowed the 59th vote for Obamacare, then nearly 10 years later, this prevented General Flynn from holding his office, and challenging Obama policies on the Iran deal, on Sunni islamists in North Africa and the Levant, so he appoints a retired judge to prosecute a case now proven to be without foundation

furthermore the judge, is far from impartial,  since two of these figures, had either direct or indirect roles in this intelligence lawfare operation againsthis begins to approach the never ending of Bleak Houses Jarndyce family saga,


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